Mac Shortcut Keys that Can Make your Day

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Mac Shortcut Keys that Can Make your Day

Being able to access things faster on your Mac is always a plus.  Shortcut keys do just that it allows you to press a combination of keys to access certain commands on the fly.  Here are a few of my favorite shortcut keys that could make your day.

Key Combination Function
command + A copy all
command + X cut
command + C copy
command + V paste
command + Z undo
command + P print
command + W close window
command + tab switch between applications
command + Q quit app
command + space bar find files
command + option + esc force quit app
command + option + escape bring up the force quit menu
control + shift + eject put screen to sleep
control + command + Q lock screen
control + left click bring up right click menu
shift + f10 bring up left click menu
shift + command + 3 print screen
shift + command + 4 select area to print screen
fn + delete delete to the right
fn + arrow left take you to the top of the screen
fn +arrow right take you to the bottom of the screen