Month: March 2019

You can know technology too!!

Top 10 iPhone Tips & Trick

Extend Battery Life Extending your battery life on your iPhone could possibly keep you going until you can actual find time to recharge.  It decreases background activity like downloads and mail fetching.  Here is how you access this battery option. Open the setting App Open Battery Slide the bar to enable “Low Power Mode”

How to Access OneDrive & Upload Documents

Saving documents in OneDrive is a great way to back up documents and files.  The days of emailing documents back and forth to yourself from different computers and remembering to bring your USB stick everywhere are over.  Now that you have signed up for OneDrive.  (Not sure about OneDrive…see my article What is OneDrive?) Here is how to access…

What is OneDrive?

One Drive is Microsoft version of Cloud Storage.  (Cloud meaning some mass storage facility somewhere holding all your data on a large computer).  With OneDrive you can store various folders, files, photos and even videos OneDrive works really nicely on Windows PC given user the option of downloading the program to your desktop to use with Windows…
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Creating a Restore Point

Just installed a new program, or you just installed a huge batch of Windows Updates and now you are working at snail’s pace.   Wouldn’t it be nice to just put your computer back just the way it was before you had all of this happened?  Just a mini time machine.  Well Microsoft Windows has a built-in feature…
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